a quick look at days 1-27

Okay, so I’ve been good about the projects challenge, just bad about the posting.  27 days in, 1 project left to do… maybe I’ll wait until Friday night for some last minute, down to the wire drama!

Here’s a quick look at much of what has been going on in, and outside of the shop. Quite the mix of big and small. I wish I was able to do more “want to” than “have to” but I’m also VERY happy to have cleared a lot of those projects off the pre-winter dance card.

I’m happy to say the shop is closer to where I want it… and I’m enjoying my time out there, the challenge is becoming a habit (and rather than a forced obligation like I feared it might.) Work will continue onto Christmas gifts and the like, and we just might have a “very homemade Christmas” after all! Just don’t count on those projects to get posted either – at least not before Santa is home and relaxing in the hot-tub after his whirlwind world tour!

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